Libraries & Bindings
Official Resources
React bindings for ReScript
A drop-in standard library for ReScript. Intended to be familiar for JavaScript developers, easy to use, and be rich enough (without being bloated) so that you don't need to reach for anything else for typical ReScript development.
LSP server for ReScript
ReScript Tools
The motiviation of this repo is that when ReScript users want to share their library with JS users, the JS users don't need have ReScript toolchain installed, this makes sharing code with JS users easier (more details on that topic can be found in our [Ex
The most minimalistic testing library you will find for testing ReScript code
Better interop with JS & TS in ReScript
Community Resources
Node bindings for ReScript
This package helps you convert between Rescript values and JSON values.
Lazy sequences for ReScript.
Simple JSON deserializer for ReScript
Kind of an IndexedDB ORM written in ReScript with no runtime dependencies.
Useful general-purpose utility functions and modules for ReScript projects.
ReScript binding to @tabler/icons-react
Unofficial ReScript binding to @heroicons/react
lightning-fast testing for a lightning-fast compiler
provides api for result<'a, exn> type
Rescript React static site generator
Transforms ReScript React.createElement calls back to JSX syntax
ReScript bindings for solid-js.
Rescript bindings for Jotai (react state management).
ReScript PPX validates the tailwindcss class names
rescript api for node-html-parser package
> A lightweight test framework for ReScript
Use Bun with ReScript.
Run a REPL to execute ReScript code in interactive mode
ReSon is a ReScript library that provides a convenient way to parse JSON data in a type-safe manner. Inspired by the classify approach described in the ReScript documentation and libraries like aeson, ReSon aims to simplify the process of parsing and vali
The only official ReScript starter template.
Combinator library for JSON decoding and encoding.
Form validation tool for @rescript/react
Logging implementation for ReScript
Mock Js.Date when run unit test cases with Jest. Make tests of Js.Date easier.
Remove empty or nullable values from JavaScript objects
Code coverage for OCaml and Reason
Immutable, fully persistent, and balanced binary search tree data structure implementation in pure js.
Rescript bindings to the easy-to-use [Dexie]( wrapper of IndexedDB.
ReScript bindings to the DOM and other Web APIs
This library provides ReScript bindings for material-ui (MUI).
This library provides ReScript bindings for material-ui-lab.
Fast-check bindings for ReScript
ReScript bindings to use-sync-external-store
Light and type-safe binding to JS promises
Throttle hooks for @rescript/react
**⚠️ Note :** This is a fork based on the [excellent work]( of [paulshen](
ReScript bindings for Jest
The fastest composable parser/serializer for ReScript (and TypeScript)
ReScript bindings for React Native.
[]( [](#contributors) [.
ReScript toolchain
🔒 Makes sure you don't accidentally deploy apps with missing or invalid environment variables
ReScript bindings for @testing-library/react
> An alternative upgrade path for ReasonReact
Secure Hash Algorithms for ReScript
ReScript bindings to react-on-rails
Rescript bindings for [uuid](
ReScript bindings for the Apollo Client ecosystem
Rescript bindings for uWebsockets.js
A `Lazy Sequence` implimation. Highly abstracted stream like `RxJs` but without `time`.
<p align="center"> <img width="160" src="restorative.png" /> </p>
Rescript wrapper for React Router DOM
rescript module for sendig ajax via axious
Smart contract addresses and other config for Float Capital
> Bindings to the JS standard library
The fastest composable parser/serializer for ReScript (and TypeScript)
Phone number formatter for Swedish phone numbers
JSON encoding and decoding for ReScript
Rescript bindings for Rxjs
ReScript PPX to generate rescript-schema from type
This is project is based on the great old [reroute]( module. It's just using the latest Reason React API (hooks & context).
Parse dates and numbers using the Intl API in ReScript
ReScript language support (official)
ReasonML / BuckleScript bindings for the Apollo Client ecosystem
Simple GeoJSON decoder library for ReScript based on @glennsl/rescript-json-combinators.
Rescript bindings for Hono
ReScript toolchain
React Native template for application developed with ReScript.
ReScript module to convert the number to Korean
Tool to support usage of a vendored standard library in ReScript
Rescript bindings for PeerJS
Runtime free ReScript bindings for Ava
**Warning: I haven't written tests for this package yet. Use at your own risk, and feel free to open issues.**
A ReScript web router for RescriptRelay.
Cron for NodeJS. Execute something at a schedule.
Zero-cost rescript bindings to the WHATWG Fetch API
Rescript bindings to the Jest testing framework
Rescript bindings for Cypress
Use Relay with ReScript.
ReScript bindings for @testing-library/dom
> ✨ Bootstrapped with Create Snowpack App (CSA).
Quickly create new ReScript apps from project templates.
Easy to use automatic diagram layout component in react
Please use the original:
⚡ A set of useful components to help you build and maintain React Native (Web too) layouts with ease.
ReScript port of Polished library for color manipulation
ReScript bindings for react-native-reanimated v2
<div align="center"> <br /> <p> <a href=""><img src="" width="546" alt="discord.js" /></a> </p> <br /> <p> <a href=""><img src="https:/
A standard library for ReScript with a focus on Functional Programming
Binaries for the rescript-react-intl message extractor
BBCode parser written in ReScript (OCaml) with TypeScript typings.
 []( [
Type-safe css modules for ReScript
Yet form librairie for reason and react
ReScript bindings for @ant-design/icons
ReScript bindings for Big.js library
Rescript binding for email-validator

a stand-alone package for interoperation between Elm and ReScript compatible with es6 modules.
ReScript bindings for NativeBase
A Js binding library of axios for rescript based on @ryyppy/rescript-promise
Code coverage for OCaml and Reason
ReScript bindings for react-navigation.
ReScript PPX which generate JSON (de)serializer
A tiny state manager writter in Rescript
Debounce for ReScript
koa.js bindings for rescript.
ReScript bindings to the JavaScript iterator protocol
> ✨ Bootstrapped with Create Snowpack App (CSA).
ReScript bindings for Contentful
rescript binding for jalaali js
Debounce hooks for @rescript/react
Rescript bindings for React Leaflet
ReScript bindings for MSW
ReScript bindings for Web Extensions
rescript. Re-schema-form is a meta based render.
ReScript bindings for polished.
Simple validation schema for Rescript.
This is an implementation of Red-Black Trees for ReScript. This implementation is a rewriting of [OCaml implementation](
Reasonably making forms with ReScript and React sound good
Generete ReactIntl.messages
Core library of doc-e-mate in ReScript
simple pdf viewer
ReScript bindings for react-native-gesture-handler
Rescript binding for sjcl
Throttle for ReScript
Use create-react-app ( CRA ) with babel and typescript
⚡️ ReScript bindings for @chakra-ui/react
ReScript toolchain
ReScript bindings to the AVA test framework
<img src="docs/garter.svg" alt="garter" width="200" height="200" align="right" />
ReScript bindings for rescript-use-debounce
ReScript bindings for @testing-library
ReScript bindings for react-native-safe-area-context.
A ReScript module providing a lazy, typesafe API for writing asynchronous code.
Mobx bindings for Rescript with React
ReScript bindings to react-intl
A general purpose PPX and library for embedding other languages into ReScript, via code generation.
Standard Library for ReScript
ReScript bindings for react-native-svg.
📆 Date manipulation in ReScript.
ReScript binding for ink-link
A Rescript package for functional data structure.
React component for a grid layout within fixed width / height. Usefull for dashboards or full screen web applications.
ReScript runtime library for Bindoj -- A generative datatype toolkit for OCaml centric workflows
This library provides ReScript bindings for material-ui.
A ReScript implementation of the blossom maximum-matching algorithm
Bindings and helpers for [Remix](
Reactive State Manager
ReScript bindings to the native JavaScript Set data type
This library provides ReScript bindings for material-ui-lab.
Rescript bindings for Blueprint (React-based UI toolkit)
ReScript bindings for @react-native-community/cameraroll.
ReScript bindings for @react-native-community/netinfo.
ReScript bindings for react-native-device-info.
A rescript configuration for smooth React Apps
ReScript bindings for Ink
2020 proposal for new ReScript promise bindings